Carri and Laura S and Laura Z meeting for the first time today on Google Hangout.
We are so thrilled to have Carri Sickmen on board at 20K Films. She’s Florida based, but in this day and age, you don’t have to live in the same city as the company you work for. (20k Films is Chicago-based and Laura Z and Laura S currently and oddly live only .5 miles from each other.) Carri has joined 20K to help us schedule the rest of production for our three current docs: Sweet Nothing, Sick Cells, and Nicole Hollander: Original Bad Girl. She’s also going to help us grow our social media presence and stay in budget for all of our docs. She has lots of past experience with promotions and marketing, but was mostly involved in the area music venues, booking music for bands like the Hackensaw Boys. She currently sells antique globes. Also, her daughter is invisible. Welcome to 20K, Carri!
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