Laura Z using a retro iPhone headset for handling phone calls on the road.
Literally. We thought it would be easier to work and conduct doc business on the road. Not so. First of all, we could only get internet access using Laura S’s hotspot on her iPhone which killed her battery and costs her money each month, and trying to focus on emails and scheduling while the world is going by you at 60MPH is distracting to say the least. I found that the only thing that I could effectively get done while literally in a car driving from location to location was typing up all of the notes I took during the interview, which I did in the always wonderful and amazing Evernote, which syncs to your iPhone and desktop and iPad if you are happen to own all three.
So much for that exciting mobile office idea. I much more prefer buckling down in an airport an hour or two in a stationary position to work. I also have discovered that I prefer flying directly to a location, interviewing for a week and then heading home. This plan to drive around America to do all of the interviews, is taking too much time, the same amount of money and makes everyone cranky. Really, 10-15 hours driving in a car in a day would make Mother Theresa cranky. You can only listen to so many podcasts and Tina Fey’s Bossypants on the Audible app for so long.
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