20K Films’ Owner, Laura Z, with Laura S, the amazing DP for the 20K 2012 Production Tour.
It’s not that hard to follow your dreams. People will tell you it is, and maybe you’ll believe them, because you think you can’t afford it, or aren’t talented enough or worthy enough.
It’s bullshit. You can follow your dreams, and, in fact, you should.
Here’s why: Even if you never get to accomplish your dreams whether that involves playing basketball like LeBron James, racing cars in Brazil, or good old-fashioned filmmaking, just trying for your dreams will enrich your life in ways that you have absolutely no clue about.
I’ve wanted to make films since I was 13 years old. I’m now 33. That’s 20 years of wanting to do the same damn thing, and I’ve tried EVERYTHING else in this world to survive, pay my bills, and just get by. It wasn’t until I made a film (a documentary actually), that I felt truly alive. And this documentary wasn’t some crazy break out success. It didn’t get into Sundance, not many people saw it, I showed it to audiences of 12 people, and in one case, 4 people, and I sat in the back and watched two of those people walk out during the film.
The always amazing 20K Films’ Associate Producer, Caroline P, and 20K Films’ Owner, Laura Z at the start of the 20K 2012 Tour. #20k2012
But what I learned from making that film and showing that film and just going after my dreams at all, are things that I NEVER would have learned anywhere else or anyway else.
I also gained skills in the following: teamwork, leadership, directing, business management, editing, lighting, social media, self-distribution, etc. What other job would I have ever learned any of this? See what I mean?
So do it. Just shut the hell up, sit down for a day, listen to what’s in your heart that you really want to do with your life, and just do it. It is true. If there is a will, there is a way, and you really don’t need all of the fancy, first-world, consumer things you spend your money on anyway. All you need is your dream, some money, some guts, and a whole lot of friends. (My thoughts on the “friend economy” later.)
For now, here is a motto I live by daily:
Well said, my friend, well said.
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